Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcoming 2016

     If I were to sum up 2015 in one word, I would choose interesting. I choose that because the word can be used in a negative and positive way. 2015 was really fun. I had a lot of happy moments. But inevitably, I did have sad moments too. I had a lot of emotions in 2015 that ranged from happy to energetic to annoyed. I would like 2016 to be more than just two words. I don't want it to be a boring year, I want it to be fun but I also want to learn lessons along the way. If I had to pick two words that I would want 2016 to be, they would be awesome and unpredictable. If I could spend more time doing one activity in 2016, it would be to go outside more. I've noticed that I spent so much of my time in 2015 indoors and I want that to change. I might have to trade time to do homework and to study in exchange for that time, but it'll be worth it in the end if it makes 2016 great.


  1. I usually stay inside to. I'm on my phone or computer watching YouTube videos.
