Sunday, January 31, 2016

The Best Food Ever

        Macaroni salad is one of my favorite foods ever. When I first ate it, which was a long time ago, I looked at it and I vividly remember trying not to gag in front of my mom because it looked so disgusting to me. I also remember not wanting to disappoint her since I knew that she worked hard on making it. So, instead of physically gagging, I mentally gagged as I slowly ate a spoonful of the food. I expected the worst, but when I ate more, I felt like this food was blessed because it was so good! I ate a lot more servings and got yelled at by my brother because he wanted some himself but couldn't get the chance to eat some because I was eating it all. The morale of this story is that you should really try macaroni salad because it's so good. Just kidding. The moral of this story is to not judge something by how it looks because if you give it a try, it could turn out being really good.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

A Fun Activity

        Yesterday in class, we did this really cool activity. Mrs. Joyner went around the class, shook everyone's hand and said a word that described it. Everyone was confused about what was happening, but when Mrs. Joyner explained it at the end of the activity, it all made sense. When each person shook her hand, they did different, or similar, things. For example, when someone shook Mrs. Joyner's hand, they stuck their first finger out. That was called the pointer. There were different description words that ranged from spaghetti arm, to strongman, to cousin Patrick, to royalty. When I shook Mrs. Joyner's hand, she said I got cat. That's when someone looks nervous when they shake someones hand. I tried to explain that my face literally just looks like that, but when I did it again I got the same thing. At the end of the activity, everyone corrected their mistakes and we all learned the proper way to shake someone's hand. I think this activity was a really cool and fun way to learn how to do that. I really liked it and will remember it as one of my favorite activities.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

October Sky Movie Review

         This week in English class, we watched a movie called "October Sky". I'd never heard of it before and didn't know what it was about so I didn't know what to expect when I started watching it. It's about a boy named Homer who lives in a place called Coalwood where almost every young boy was expected to work in the mine when they got older. The mine is a main part of a movie because it is a main part of life in Coalwood and many conflicts happened in it and because of it. Homer didn't want to work in the mine however, he wanted to go to space. Him and his three friends started building rockets because they were driven by Homer's determination. They went through many failures and public humiliation, but they didn't give up. They got help from many people in the town at the end and a lot of support. I'm not going to spoil everything that happened in the end, but I really liked the ending and the whole movie overall. It had humor, sadness, happiness, and more and that's what I think makes a good movie. If you haven't watched it, I highly suggest that you do.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcoming 2016

     If I were to sum up 2015 in one word, I would choose interesting. I choose that because the word can be used in a negative and positive way. 2015 was really fun. I had a lot of happy moments. But inevitably, I did have sad moments too. I had a lot of emotions in 2015 that ranged from happy to energetic to annoyed. I would like 2016 to be more than just two words. I don't want it to be a boring year, I want it to be fun but I also want to learn lessons along the way. If I had to pick two words that I would want 2016 to be, they would be awesome and unpredictable. If I could spend more time doing one activity in 2016, it would be to go outside more. I've noticed that I spent so much of my time in 2015 indoors and I want that to change. I might have to trade time to do homework and to study in exchange for that time, but it'll be worth it in the end if it makes 2016 great.