Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Debate Topic

       In English class, we are doing debates. My debate topic is should marijuana be legal or illegal. I think marijuana should be legal because it has a lot of benefitical traits that help people's health. Some of them are that it helps treat many diseases, protects your brain, spurs creativity in your brain, energizes your senses, and more. Marijuana hasn't even causes any deaths, so it is not hazardous in that situation. Also, making marijuana illegal is taking away people's rights to do what they want. If people are forbidden to have marijuana then the country that they are in is not the "free country" that it claims to be and should let everyone do what they wish to do. These are just my opinions on my debate topic, others have many more.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

A Special Gift I Gave

When someone says the word "gift", I see a sentimental and thoughtful present. When I give gifts, I put effort into making/obtaining them. That's what makes them gifts. You have fun getting them and you also have fun seeing the happy reaction on people's faces when they see how hard you worked on them. People appreciate small things like that. But if people don't think that you really thought about their gift, should they be thankful?
A couple years ago, days before Christmas, I was working on a gift to give to my cousin. Since I had no money (I was really young), I improvised and made him a card. I decorated it with my best markers and wrote a kind letter in it. I knew he would love it. However, when I arrived at his house and gave it to him, he looked at me with a confused expression as if he didn't really think this was his actual gift. When I gave him the look that it was, he threw the card on the floor and started yelling about how he didn't want a "lame card'. He didn't talk to me for the rest of the party.
         My cousin probably thought that I spent minutes on the card, but really I spent days on it. He didn't know that though, so was it okay for him to yell at me? Was it not okay since he should've realized how hard I worked on it? I ask those questions to myself every Christmas since that is a popular story that comes up every year.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Inspirational Quote

    When bad things used to happen to me, I would just sit around and cry about it. It took me a while to realize that the world doesn't revolve around small and pointless issues like the ones I had. I also realized that I shouldn't take anything for granted. A quote that really symbolizes that situation is, “When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we took so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened up for us," by Helen Keller. Okay, now that I'm finally done with that dramatic and depressing opening, here's the good part about the situation. I was so upset and focused on the fact that I had lost things, that I didn't even realize the fact that I had gained things. For example, you fail a test and it ruins your grade. What you gain is knowing that next time you have to pay attention and study, so that when the next test comes up, you pass it and all the others. The quote gave me hope that after bad things, there are good things, and it is a quote I think about everyday.

Monday, November 30, 2015

Things To Be Thankful For

     Even though you should be thankful every day and month, November is the month where people are most thankful because of the many significant occurrences the month holds. For example, Thanksgiving is in November and that is the day when you say your thanks. I'm thankful for a lot things, like my family, for always being there for me. They've given me so many things that I will always be thankful for like a roof over my head and food to eat. I'm also thankful for my friends for being the best friends I could ever ask for. I know that they'll always have my back and will always be there for me.