On Thursday, our class went to the Holocaust Museum. I was really excited to go because the Holocaust is one of my favorite topics to learn about and I'm always open to learn more about it. When we got there, we starting walking around with our guide. We each got headphones that helped us hear our guide better, and I thought that was a great idea because it made us focus more on what we were hearing. Looking around, it was really cool to see real items in person. With everything we looked at, information about it came with it and I liked the fact that everything had a story behind it because it gave the items much more depth. We saw real clothing, real items that belonged to Nazis, and other real artifacts. We also saw many pictures. Getting visuals made everyone able to picture what we heard more clearly, which in my opinion is a great way of learning, so we all learned a lot from what we saw.
Right when I thought I learned as much as I possibly could about the Holocaust, I learned even more. Before I went to this museum, I thought resisting was just fighting and conflict. After I went to this museum, I learned that it was so much more than that. Resisting is not always violence. People resisted in smaller ways, which were bigger ways at the same time. For example, people helped victims even though it was against the law and risked their lives in order to hide and shelter others. This required no violence to do, but it was still resisting, and it made a big change to many lives. Other topics I learned more about was life before the Nazis, the Nazi rise to power, and life after the Nazis. Overall, I thought this field trip to the Holocaust Museum was a very great and educational trip and I'd definitely go again.
I also really enjoyed going to the Holocost Museum. It was such an amazing experience.