Sunday, March 13, 2016

Diary Entry

March 13, 2016
Dear Diary,
        A couple of days ago I watched a documentary called "I'm Still Here" in class with my classmates. It told the stories of Holocaust victims through their diaries. I have decided to use their ideas of writing in a diary to tell you my reaction to this documentary. Starting off, their stories were devastating. To even just hear the amount of pain that the innocent victims suffered throughout the Holocaust was an immense experience itself, I can not even imagine how it must have been to live through it. They went through extreme hunger, thirst, physical pain, emotional pain, loss, and more. It made me realize how thankful I should be for everyone and everything around me.
        Although the stories in this documentary were tragic and horrific, it was very informal to me and I enjoy watching documentaries like this one for many reasons. For one, it made me realize hidden traits of myself like that fact that I am very selfish. I complain that I am hungry after just two hours, sometimes even less, of eating a full meal. Seeing the people in this documentary starve for days or even weeks, made me open my eyes to the fact that I need to be grateful and not throw a fit over the smallest things.
        Something else I realized is that I need to be more appreciative of my family and friends. The people in this documentary had their their loved ones taken from them repeatedly, sometimes even ripped from their arms. Today, that could still happen to anyone. I now acknowledge the fact that all life really is precious and that nothing lasts forever, so everyone should enjoy and treasure what they have before it's too late.