Monday, February 29, 2016

Leap Years

        Leap years take place every four years. Saying 'four years' makes me think of how my life was four years ago. Back then, many things were different for me. For starters, I was in 4th grade, and now that I am in 8th grade, there is so much more that I have to do like take tests, complete homework, and more. Life was also a lot simpler than it currently is now. I didn't worry about my grades or where I was going to be in the future, and I definitely didn't worry about getting ready to go to high school. I was also different personality-wise. For example, I was more shy and reserved. In some ways I still am now, but overall I'm more outgoing and cordial than I was four years ago.
        My life four years forward is something that I can't picture. Mainly because I just can't and don't want to see myself older and grown up. But, I predict that I will be getting somewhere at least, and hopefully I will have a decent job and have done/am doing well in school. I also hope that my family is happy and that my brother was not lying when he said that he would get a job "soon."
        Reflecting on the previous and upcoming stages of your life teaches you many things that you can appreciate. Overall, I appreciate the fact that you just have to live in the moment and not stress about what is coming up next in life because when it does come up, you'll be just fine.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Photograph Story

        It was a decent day. Decent because there was no sun was shining down as I drove my red car. I wished there would be sun, but you can't have everything in life. Looking back, I should've known that that was a bad omen for what was to happen next. Instead, I minded my own business for a while and drove as usual, until I saw darkness hovering over my car. Oh no, I thought, oh no it's happening. I tried swerved off the road and onto the grass in an attempt to lose the darkness, but it was no use. I ran out to save myself, but my car wasn't so lucky. Falling from the sky, an over-sized muffin crushed the top of it. I sighed as I thought of how much I'd have to pay to repair my only source of transportation, but relaxed when I realized that at least I had dessert.